ETF Portfolios
Investment Process
Portfolio Construction
Low cost ETFs & Mutual Funds
Geographically diversified
Broad market exposure including all equity capitalizations
Three basic portfolio offerings with appropriate asset class weightings within each to meet client risk/reward profile.
Socially Responsibly Managed
Actively Managed
Passively Managed
Strategically monitored to maintain optimal risk-adjusted returns.
Rebalanced to target weightings
Strategic shifts in asset allocation
Monitor manager stability and effectiveness

​Portfolio Construction
Assets globally allocated to provide optimal diversification with weightings strategically determined based on Portfolio Management Team’s top down overview.
Portfolio Holdings strategically monitored to maintain optimal risk adjusted returns.
Continual focus on well balanced globally diversified portfolios.
Seeks a balance of growth of original investment plus current income.
This portfolio invests in ETF's with socially responsible mandates. We analyze socially responsible ETF's to ensure proper diversification and risk parameters. We use ETF's with exposure to the US as well as other developed and developing countries around the world. We are anticipating strong growth in the breadth and depth of socially responsible investment options over the next several years. We will continuously monitor the marketplace for new ETF opportunities.
Who should consider this Portfolio?
An investor with a long investment time horizon for investments that consider social responsibility in their selection process.
Seeks a balance of growth of original investment plus current income.
This portfolio uses a Global Market approach with exposures to stocks and bonds from the U.S. and other developed and developing countries around the world. The core of this portfolio is indexed. In addition a portion of the assets are invested in actively managed portfolios. Historically, certain asset classes have proven to be less efficient due primarily to decreased liquidity and price discovery. These inefficiencies create opportunities for active managers to improve on the return of indexes. Actively managed investments are selected after extensive research identities them as having superior return potential compared to the general market.
Who should consider this Portfolio?
An investor with a long investment time horizon, who is willing to accept higher fees with the goal of achieving a risk adjusted return that is higher than the market indices.
Seeks a balance of growth of original investment plus current income.
This portfolio uses a Global Market Index Approach with exposures to stocks and bonds from both the U.S. and other developed and developing countries around the world.
Who should consider this Portfolio?
An investor with a long investment time horizon, who is satisfied with market returns and low fees.